NDIS Provider Number: 4050 009 702

Requesting a change to your NDIS plan

If your circumstances have changed since your planning meeting, your NDIS plan may need to be altered so that it can continue to meet your needs.

Fortunately, you do not have to wait for your reassessment date, you can request a change to your plan anytime.


How do I request to change my plan?

There are a few ways to notify the NDIA about a change in the situation. These include:

  • Contacting the NDIA by phone
  • Sending an email to enquiries@ndis.gov.au
  • Visiting one of the NDIS offices
  • Completing a copy of the change of circumstances form and emailing the NDIA.

If you have any additional justification or evidence, it is important to share this with the NDIA when making your request.


Why use the change of circumstances form?

The change of circumstances form is a helpful tool that makes it easier to tell the NDIA about changes in your life and how they affect your support needs. 

The change of circumstances form also outlines all the information that the NDIA needs to consider your request. This will prevent delays in reviewing your case and improve the timeliness of the outcome.


What can you change?

The form will be separated into separate sections where you can request to:

  • change your contact details
  • correct an error
  • extend or bring forward your reassessment date
  • update your plan due to a change in your situation
  • change how your plan is managed


Contact details (Part D)

If you’ve had a change to your contact details, whether it’s permanent or temporary, you can outline it in the form. Details that can be changed include your:

  • address
  • phone number
  • email address

Keeping your contact details up to date helps ensure that the NDIA can quickly get in touch when necessary.


Error in your plan (Part E)

Sometimes the plan you receive will contain errors. Changes requested are typically small or technical errors such as spelling errors, missed words, or funding miscalculations

If the error pertains to your statement of goals, The NDIA will get in contact directly before making any changes or corrections.


Reassessment date (Part F)

If you would like you like your reassessment date brought forward or extended, that could be mentioned here.

The funding will be adjusted to fit the new timeframe. This means that a request for an extension will increase your funding and a request to shorten the plan may lead to funding being reduced.


How your plan is managed (Part G)

You can also use this form to change from one way of managing your plan to another. The funding in your plan may be:

  • Self-managed
  • Agency managed/NDIA managed
  • Plan managed

If you want to change the way some or all of your supports are managed, you can request a variation in this part of the form.


Change in your situation (Part H)

For both minor changes, as well as major ones, you will be prompted to answer:

  • what has changed
  • why the current change means current supports are insufficient
  • what additional supports should be included
  • when the change in circumstance started
  • when (if ever) the change is expected to end


What happens when your plan is changed?

There may be a couple of ways your plan could change, depending on what changes you’ve requested. The NDIA may alter your current plan as a plan variation. Alternatively, a new plan may need to be created through a plan reassessment.

If you want to talk to someone about plan variations and reassessments, or to discuss the benefits of plan management, give us a call on 1300 800 110.

